Jan 7, 2014

A Feral Cat-Face

Such a cute face. I can't remember who this is, though. She looks a lot like Hipstamatic but I think it's actually Hipstamatic's sister, Half-Tail. In any case, she has very pretty eyes.  (posted on Flickr).

We had some cold dry weather and now we're back to rain. At least it's a little warmer. The feral cats don't really like to eat in the rain though, and I only have limited shelter spots in which to feed them. We manage, though.


  1. HT...knot onlee iz yur face gorgeous az well az yur eyes but yur coat iz two !!! happee newe yeer two ewe N de crew...keep askin for rain out yur way coz it bee vishuz snowy cold heer N de temp iz like 75 thousand bee low zee row ...troo lee !!

  2. How many do you think you feed, Chriss, do you know? I've had little luck placing the Lebanon colony cats. Two are gone, two more leaving next week, but that still leaves a dozen. Chipping away at it. Supposed to be a bit storm for the weekend, rain and wind, should be a lot wilder where you live than here in the valley.

  3. I really don't know for sure. 10 years ago, when the colonies were at their peak, it was near 100 cats. Now, they might be down to 40 or so. It's really a stretch to keep them fed, for sure. It takes every penny.

    I'm glad you could find spots for some kitties! That's a really difficult thing to do.

    And as for the storm; I'm not looking forward to it. It's always a potential problem when you're right near the beach like we are.

  4. meowloz guys....wanted ta stop by N say we hope everee one iz aye oh kay N ya weathered de crazee weather; hope everee one iz accounted for N safe N no storm damages came thru.....hugs two all frum de land oh trout !!


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.